Disclaimer: This tool was an (unnoficial) part of the Bitcointalk's 2022 April Fools joke. It does not accurately reflect anyone's IQ or intelligence.

Unnofficial Bitcointalk IQ Dashboard

Please enter your Bitcointalk username to check your Bitcointalk IQ™®© ranking:

Bitcointalk IQ Stats

Total no. of users in data:
Number of users with lower than 100 Bitcointalk IQ:
Number of users with higher than 100 Bitcointalk IQ:

Average Bitcointalk IQ:
Median Bitcointalk IQ:
99th percentile Bitcointalk IQ (a.k.a. lowest top 1% score):
1st percentile Bitcointalk IQ (a.k.a. highest bottom 1% score):
Data last updated on: 00:20, April 2nd, 2022 (UTC timezone)

Raw data

Need the raw data? Download it here. The data was sourced from Bitcointalk's official 2022 April Fools stats and simply modified to be a CSV file with the first column being the username and the second - the IQ score

There's also my old scraped data (last updated on 21:31, April 1st, 2022 (UTC timezone)), which you can download here. The initial active users were scraped from LoyceV's "Active users and top posters on Bitcointalk.org in the past 24 hours" page. If you're gonna use it and post the results somewhere, I'd appreciate attribution. Just copy the following notice:

Bitcointalk user "" ranks no. out of with an IQ score of

Share these results:

What is the "Unnofficial Bitcointalk IQ Dashboard"?

The "Unnofficial Bitcointalk IQ Dashboard" is a free online tool to check a Bitcointalk user's ranking in Bitcointalk's 2022 April Fools joke / prank. The tool also includes general statistics and charts about other users' scores. Furthermore, it also generates a shareable link to showcase your score.

What was the Bitcointalk 2022 April Fools joke?

At the start of April 1st, 2022 (UTC timezone) a new feature was temporarily added to Bitcointalk.org - an IQ score system. This feature consisted of an IQ score displayed on the left side of a user's posts (visible to only logged in users) as well as a collection of trivia questions asked each time you tried to post a new topic or post. If you answered correctly, the IQ score would go up. If your answer was incorrect, your score would go down. As mentioned by the forum's administrator, the amount your score went up or went down depended on how close your IQ score was to 100 IQ. The maximum and minimum IQs were also capped to 200 IQ and 0 IQ respectively. Every user's initial IQ score was 100 IQ.

The system can't find my score. Why?

You most likely haven't posted during April 1st, 2022 (UTC timezone) or your score was exactly 100 IQ.

Where do I send my suggestions / requests / bug reports?

I'm on Twitter (@mprep_btc). If you don't use Twitter, I'm also on a number of other platforms as well (click here for the contact links).